Thursday, April 25, 2013

 The  American Mothers' 78th Annual Convention is underway!   What a fun afternoon connecting with moms from all around our great country, including Puerto Rico.  And, such a treat to be at the NYC Waldorf=Astoria!  Tomorrow will be a full day of "mom to mom", learning and celebrating.  I really LOVE American Mothers! 

Speaking of "treats", Utah Mothers, and their families, were invited to a "Meet the Governor" at the Utah State Capital in Salt Lake City.  It was definitely a treat to meet Governor Herbert who works hard on behalf of Utah families.

Here we are at that wonderful event!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

American Mothers, Inc., since 1935...Strong Moms Strengthen Families!  I"m so grateful for the work American Mothers does reaching out, through many service programs to help children and mothers in need, teaching and sharing knowledge about moms and families and honoring moms who are making a difference. 

Please check out American Mothers at  Consider joining! 

Do you have a passion for motherhood?  sign up for the Mom 2 Mom e-newsletter.

We are off to New York tonight to participate in the National American Mothers Conference!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I love American Mothers, Inc. and their wonderful pledge!

I pledge...

TO ask God's help as a parent in today's world...
TO encourage honesty, integrity, patriotism  and the application of moral values in every area of American life beginning in my own home...
TO enhance the spiritual foundation of my home by precept and example...
TO love, nurture and educate my children remembering the power and influence of a joyful home...
TO see opportunities to strengthen my family by working, playing, serving and praying together...
TO foster personal responsibility and respect in my home and community...
TO serve my family and community through personal development as an individual, parent and citizen...
TO support and promote positive programs for children and families...
TO wage a vigorous campaign against abuse and violence in all its forms...
TO remember that with God, all things are possible.

Check it out:


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Welcome to "Mother Goose"...created by Judy Cook, American Mothers, Inc., Utah State 2013 Mother of the Year.
and 2013 National Mother of the Year

All about American Mothers, Inc.:

The ideals of American Mothers, Inc., began in the heart and mind of Anna Reeves Jarvis. She wanted to help heal the damage done to families caught in the conflict of the Civil War so she organized a day of friendship and love across the battle lines.  This simple observance became the national holiday known as Mother's Day.  

American Mothers, Inc.,  is an inter-faith, non-profit, non-political organization for women and men who recognize the important role of motherhood  with the challenges families face today.  Our purpose is to strengthen the moral and spiritual foundation of the home and family.  This wonderful organization supports mothers through educational programs and community outreach.